I'd like to believe that I am not so egotistical that the only thing I talk about via social networking is myself; however, it seems that out of all my tweets, almost half of them are talking about me, or have to do with a current situation that I'm in. It's weird how I never realized this before, but I feel that it's so easy for people to get caught up in the moment, and when things are pissing them off, or they're bored they resort to social media. I see how I do just from looking at my twitter page. I'm either whining about the weather, talking about how broke I am, or expressing my concerns about how I did on my last test. For the most part, everything has to do with me. Rarely do I talk about the world, and when I have someone that doesn't totally relate to me I wind up quoting it and tagging my friends, thus talking about someone else. No matter what I'm always talking about something, and usually that something is pretty unimportant. It's kind of sad how disappointing my page really is, I'm kind of ashamed, and secretly hope that no one goes on my twitter page to read interesting and fun tweets about my life.

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